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Posts Tagged: Windows

The best replacement for Windows XP: Linux with LXDE

As of today, Microsoft has officially ended the support for Windows XP and it will no longer receive any security updates. Even with the updates, XP has never been a secure platform and by now users should really stop using it. But what should people install instead? Our recommendation is Lubuntu. Windows XP has finally […]

Open source for office workers

Open source software is great and it’s not only great for developers who can code and use the source directly. Open source is a philosophy. Open source is for technology like what democracy is for society: it isn’t magically superior right away, but it enables a process which over time leads to best results – […]

Dual-booting Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 8 with Restricted Boot

In parallel with the introduction of Windows 8, Microsoft also introduced new hardware requirements to all manufacturers who sell pre-installed Windows 8 computers. As Microsoft Windows still has a monopoly in the desktop and laptop computer market, lots of people who buy computers suffer from a new anti-feature Microsoft introduced: Secure Boot. All Windows 8 […]

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