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SUSE event in Tampere 2013-11-20

What do you need for a secure and well managed Linux environment?
SUSE and Seravo presents

SUSE Finland and Seravo Oy will have a joint SUSE event in Tampere on Wednesday 2013-11-20 starting at 13:00.

The event is in Finnish and more details can be found in the calendar, which is the primary listing of all open source related events in Finland. The presentations, or at least their summaries, will be later published in our blog as we did last year.

11 reasons why SUSE is the savvy Linux choice

Click image to see in full size.

SUSE infographic

Update 25.11.2013

The presentation by Seravo is now available at SlideShare:

..and the server traffic visualization video at YouTube:

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Linux-natives – a blog by Linux experts from Finland – is brought to you by Seravo, a Finnish company focused on open source software and services.

Our team provides premium hosting and upkeep for your WordPress website - with open source software.

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