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Git training with Devaamo

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On November 28th Otto Kekäläinen of Seravo ran a Git training session on request by the Tampere-based developer community Devaamo ry.

Git is great revision management system authored by Linus Torvalds, and in last two years its popularity has exploded because it is so great, but certainly not because it would be easy to use, so there is a demand for manuals and training’s on the subject. The vocabulary in Git makes i particularly difficult to learn if you have experience using some other version control system, since Git has different meanings for the same terms.

Git commands in comparison to other VCS

Git commands in comparison to other VCS

In addition to conquering the source code management field, Git seems to spread to many other places too as software developers take advantage of the great content-not-files tracking architecture, SHA-1 hash history and similar features. Check out for example SparkleShare (open source replacement of DropBox), Git-annex, BUP, Trac+Git, Gitpublish or Jekyll-Bootstrap.

Presentation slides

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  1. Pingback: Tampereella koulutettiin Gitin käyttöön -

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